
Life Edition/ A minimalist and healthy morning routine

A minimalist and healthy morning routine

Waking up:

Regardless of the time, you wake up you, need to stretch your body for at least two minutes to activate your muscles then you'll wake up vigorously to perform your day efficiently.

Make the bed:

The make the bed on time eludes that you postpone it and then, preventing you from taking care of other activities and running out of space for it.

Personal grooming:

A way to feel fresh and awake is to brush your teeth and wash your face well so you can stimulate your body.


Is one of the most important habits to take care of your health. Energize your day with a glass of water to keep your body active and hydrated, ready to perform activities full of vitality.


An active body is essential to help you stay healthy and reduce your risk of disease.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You must prepare substantial food and take the time to enjoy calmly, taste well what your body is ingesting.


At the end of eating, you may feel sleepy or lazy, so ideally, when you finish eating, you clean the dishes and clean all you have used, in turn, perform general cleaning, and organize everything that is out of place, you'll have something less to worry.


You need to remove your pyjamas so your body can feel more willing and empowered to complete your morning efficiently.

Plan the day:

Think and create a list of everything you'd like to do today, choose only, what you need to complete in the day so, you don't feel dissatisfied or stressed, you'll have absolute satisfaction if you use time.

Use of time:

Consciously use your time to make better use of it. You'll use a timer so that you can evaluate how long you finish your obligations and thus separate a time for yourself.

A minimalist and healthy morning routine

About Author

I'm 20? Years, I love the simplicity of things, I like to read Mysteries novels, drawing is one of my favourite hobbies.

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