
Self-care edition/ 6 beauty habits part I

Self care/6 beauty habits
Self care/6 beauty habits

A beautiful and healthy life.

Drink tea:

Tea helps fight free radicals, as it provides enough antioxidants that keep skin hydrated and healthy, slowing the ageing of cells.


Coffee is ideal for removing dead skin cells because it has anti-inflammatory properties. With the remains of ground coffee, you can prepare a natural exfoliant and add coconut oils or sweet almonds, rub gently on the skin for a few seconds, eliminate the residues and, instantly you will notice your skin silky and shiny.


The body needs good hydration and, you can ingest it by eating fruits or drinking water with chia seeds that also provides multiple nutritional properties such as Omega3, Calcium and Magnesium that are essential for our body. Water alone possesses properties and fulfils essential functions for humans. If you are one of those who does not like drink water, you can add fruit to the water and, you will have delicious, refreshing water ready to keep your kidneys healthy.

Time for you soul:

After a hard day of work, you need to get your inner self, do things for yourself, for your own benefit, like dancing, singing, etc. You need a moment to have fun, feel free and relaxed, enjoy every little thing that makes you feel good.

Healthy food:

It consists of a diet that provides the essential foods to maintain a body full of energy, ingest foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, good fats, vitamins, and minerals that are part of a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet.

Facial care:

The face needs special care, a deep cleaning that helps keep the skin healthy, free of impurities that absorb the skin during the day.

When you have an exhausting day, perform a care routine to pamper your face, you will feel calm when massaging your skin with sweet almond oil or other oil of your preference to stimulate circulation by making upward movements until you reach the Sien.

Remember that when we get stressed, a small part of the brain called the Hypothalamus sends nerve and hormonal signals to the body, causing the Adrenal glands located above the kidneys to release hormones such as Adrenaline and Cortisol that are the cause of stress.

The first increases the heart rate raising blood pressure and, the second is the principal cause of stress Cortisol is responsible for raising glucose in the bloodstream.

To control these stressors, we must learn to deal with conflicts in a healthy way, identifying the cause, having a time of relaxation, and leading a healthy life.

I hope this article is useful to you.

About Author

I'm 20? Years, I love the simplicity of things, I like to read Mysteries novels, drawing is one of my favourite hobbies.

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